Terrain Biennial 2021

Echoes: Sight, Sound, Touch is featured this year in the Terrain Biennial.
Projections can be viewed on Saturdays and Sundays from 7–9 pm,

October 2nd - November 15th, 2021

Echoes: Sight, Sound, Touch is a collaboration between Eric von Haynes and Lisa Armstrong. A call-and-response between the artists, the work tracks growth and healing over time. The installation explores the forms of sound, light, and print in the reconstruction of memories.

An Exploration in Slow media, images that evoke memories are distilled and sequenced for projections in space. The artists interlaced tones from plant biofeedback, as well as field recordings, to create a layered soundscape resonating with the floating images in space.

The work asks, how are memories stored in the mundane? How do we grow and heal over time? And what are the memory markers that help us construct meaning?

Lisa Armstrong is a multi-disciplinary designer, artist, and instructor Her work focuses primarily on themes of time, space, motion, and the tensions between artificial and emotional intelligence. She currently teaches as a Lecturer of Visual Communication at Loyola University Chicago, where she serves as Co-Director for the Ralph Arnold Gallery. She also performs as part of the electronic music collective, Chandeliers.

Founded in 2007, Flatlands Press is owned and operated by Eric Von Haynes. Eric is an artist, whose work synthesizes old and new printing methods and aesthetics. While design and printmaking are his passions, he is energized by collaborations and the ideas and challenges that come from working with a community. Flatlands has created art objects and printed ephemera for artists worldwide. One of the core tenets at Flatlands Press is community building and making the invisible visible.

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